Preparing Your Home for a Natural Disaster


In the event of a natural disaster, your home may be your biggest source of protection – if your home is prepared properly. The worst time to worry about preparations that haven’t been made is when the storm or wildfire is approaching. Instead of being reactive in your survival approach, taking certain steps well ahead of any warnings can help to keep your family safe. Other steps may be taken after a warning has been issued or even after a disaster has struck to continue to keep your home and family safe.

Create a Defensible Space around the Home

Trimming trees and removing debris from around your home can help to keep your home safe. High winds may knock down tall trees and damage the structure and fires may catch lower debris and cause your home to catch fire. Keeping this area clear will help you to keep your space protected. Ensuring that the land is sloped to drain water away from the home may also provide protection in the case of a flood.

Secure the Home

The roof is generally the first line of defense against natural disasters. If the roof is only secured with nails, it may not be enough protection in the event of a hurricane or tornado. Roof clips may help to keep the roof in place, protecting your family and assets. Fortifying the garage doors, installing hurricane shutters, and installing double-pane windows may all offer additional protection, depending on the type of disaster common to the area.

Invest in a Generator

A generator may help to keep the family safe and comfortable in the event of a disaster that knocks out power. A generator may also help to keep pipes from freezing in cold weather. This may prevent costly damage, even if it is not directly a result of the disaster.

Furnish for Safety

Keeping heavy items on low shelves, taking pictures and artwork off of walls, and securing valuables can be conducive to safety both during and after the disaster. Heavy items may fall and injure family members or may be thrown into walls and other structures, causing damage. These preparations should be made shortly after a warning has been issued, for best results.

Contact Restoration Services

If a disaster does strike, contacting restoration services as soon as possible may help to keep your home from sustaining further damage. Having the site cleaned, water removed, and any holes or damaged structures repaired can prevent mold issues from developing and can keep the home safe from the elements. Contacting restoration services shortly after a disaster strikes can also allow your family to normal life faster.

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